Friday, January 25, 2019

A Meeting With Culinary Staff

I'm proud to announce that we had a very wonderful meeting with the culinary staff on our campus!  Both Professor Zilkha and Professor Wilson not only were on board with our program but were outright excited to join forces with us to support our ongoing efforts to make our campus waste less and be more green!  Starting the week of January 28th, we will be collecting food waste from not only the cafeteria as per usual, but also the culinary classes in Pitkin AND in Ender Hall!  That's THREE pickups per day of food that would otherwise be put directly in the trash.  I know I don't only speak for myself when I say I am so happy and proud of all the people who want to help us and the opportunities we're opening up.  We still have a lot to do to, but this is a HUGE milestone in our goal of one day having our whole campus united under our campaign.  Go team!

- Mallory E.

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